Saturday, August 6, 2011

Kept From The Hour Of Temptation

The phrase in Rev 3:10, Because you have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the earth. The Last seven years of Danie70th week has three section: The first 3 1/2 years begin with the beginning of sorrow, or the birth spang. The second 3 1/2 years which is in the middle point will begin with the great tribulation, it is also call Jacob's trouble. The last section it is call the day of the Lord, or God's wrath.

The second point is that the great tribulation spoken by the Lord himself will be[ cut short] for the sake of the elect (Mt 24:22) not the entire tribulation period. The third point is that the day of the Lord is a time of divine judgment, upon the wicked which occur at the opening of the seventh seal. The rapture of the church will occur after the sixth seal is open. The bride of Christ is not appointed to wrath, but to obtain salvation in Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:9)

The fourth point is that there is only one singular second coming of Jesus, no where in scriptures is founded the word: comings, raptures, resurrections, ends, they are written in a singular not plural. The fifth point is no where in scriptures has ever promised to the believer, to be excluded from hardships, trials,persecutions, or afflictions. With this truth in mine, you will get a clear understanding of the phrase recorded in Rev 3:10, where the part of the three section of the last Daniel 70th week, is the key to bring clarification of the text. The text appear to say that God "Will Keep" the faithful "From the hour of Testing".

There are three key phrase in this text: "Because you have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep you",[The hour of testing] Lets begin with the critical phrase [keep you from]. The verb to keep is the Greek verb [tēréō] it is used twice in this text. The primary meaning is to guard, watch over, or keep. In the new testament it is used to observe or follow. The phrase has a cause and effect relationship meaning, [Because you have observed, or followed from your part], My word of patience, I from My part, will guard or watch over you, from the hour of testing. That is how the Greek verb [tēréō] is used.

What has the church of Philadelphia kept- followed or observed, as it were- that has such value to Christ that obligates Him to give them something in return? The answer is, the word of My [Christ] perseverance. The next question should be: What instruction concerning Christs instruction, concerning patience have the faithful believer in the church of Philadelphia, have been following that delights the heart of Christ?. The answer is the faithful have observed and followed Christ instruction concerning patient. In Rev 3:8 the church of Philadelphia had kept My word and have not denied My name". As it was in the days of John instructed the church of Philadelphia, in the last days the church will be called upon to persevere, to keep the word and the testimony for the sake of Christ's name.

The evidence is in (Mt 24:9,13) "Then they will [deliver] you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations on account of My name... "But the one who [endures] to the end, he shall be saved [delivered]. The word perseverance, patience, and endurance are communicating the idea: "To overcome difficulties, to stand firm, to stand one's ground, in the midst of difficulties or danger. The church of Christ have the calling to remain faithful and truthful for the Lord Christ, during the last 70th week of Daniel. The perseverance or patience spoken in (Rev 3:10) are associated with (Rev 13:10, 14:9) during the persecution of the Antichrist.
Rapture Comparison

For someone to view the rapture before the tribulation period begin, then there will be no logic for the Lord to say [Because you have kept the word of my patience]. The next verse the Lord is telling the church of Philadelphia, [ I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown]. The next point is for those who overcomes, giving the promise of reward. If the rapture happen in the middle point, which is the second part of 3 1/2 years, then it will contradict other passage and event like the abomination of the desolation, spoken by the Lord himself giving the exact same reference of the prophet Daniel (Dan 9:27) and the great tribulation (Mt 24:21, Rev 7:14).

 The rapture view at the post, when the seventh seal open, will put the bride of Christ to experience   God's wrath. What happen to the security of the salvation of the believers?. The seventh seal indicate God's judgment, upon the wicked and the chapter 8 is all about divine judgment, no blessing are associate, and no demonstration of the rapture.The word [From] is the shortest Greek word of [ek] many has interpreted as been removed or protected from something.The preposition of [to be kept from] is the Greek word of [apó] kept from something else, [apó] is normally the preposition used.

The Greek word all together [tēréō ek ] is the translation of something that come out of it, representing something that [come out from the midst of] something else. [ tēréō ek], can only refer to guarding or protecting those who persevere while they are within the sphere of danger] , and bring them safely out of the midst of danger, and then bringing them safely out from the midst of danger]. The apostle Peter wrote in (2 Pet 2:9) the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from [ek] temptation [testing-Peirasmόs], and to keep the unrigtheous under punishment for the day of judgment. The Apostle is not saying that believers will be kept away from [apó] the hour of testing [Peirasmόs], but that the godly will be rescued out of the midst of [ek] this time of testing [ Peirasmόs]. Now back to the phrase in (Rev 3:10) [because you have kept the word of my patience, I will keep you from the hour of temptation].

The second phrase [is the hour of temptation]. The Greek word is [Peirasmόs] which mean [ a putting to the proof, or a test] the test can be good or bad. The important part to remember is that the testing that the Lord is speaking, is parallel in the context of the end time event of the last 70th week of Daniel. The hour of the tentation is a test were faithful believers will demonstrate to their love and devotion to Jesuschrist, by not bowing down to worship him. Those who does not bow down will be persecuted or killed, and believers will be seduced, hated and betrayed (Mt 24:9-10). The love of many for God will grow cold (Mt 24:12), the faith of those who did not denie Christ in the first 3 1/2 years will be rewarded. [because you have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep you from the hour of temptation].
 If the church were resurrected, caught up in the air, before the manifestation of the Antichrist, or the son of perdition, the Lord would not mention the word testing [Peirasmόs], because the testing does not come from God, but from Satan.The word of God said [James 1:13] Let no one say when he is [tempted] by God, for God cannot be [tempted] by evil, and He Himself does not tempt any one.

 . The Greek verb [peirazό], come from the same root [peira], as those the noun [Peirasmόs] translated testing. The hour of testing cannot be at the day of the Lord which is the divine of judgment upon the wicked. The only biblical logic interpretation is that the [temptation] will happen within the 70th week of Daniel. It is clear that in (Rev 7:14) [ are the ones who come out of [ek] the great tribulation].
Dear Friend:
God want his bride to remain faithful to Him no matter what. Those who trust the Lord will be kept from the hour of temptation. The Lord has a plan, and He will keep all of His promise. He said that He will never leave us and forsake us. Those who killed with a sword, will die with a sword. The Lord is a fair judge. If you are not a believer, the time of Christ second coming is at the door. If you have not asked Jesus to come in to your life and save you, the bad news is that you cannot enter to heaven, unless you asked Jesus to come be your Lord, you can do it where ever you are, in a loud voice, with faith and confident. Dear Jesus, forgive me for all of my sins, cleanse me with your precious blood, and come into my heart to be my Lord and savior for ever. Thank you for taking my place on the cross, and write my name in the book of life. In your holy name, Amen!!

The ID Of The Beast

  The introduction of the Antichrist will bring a clear understanding of who he really is. The bible
 speak of "Satan, Devil, Lucifer, the old serpent",  was created by God as an angel, in (Isa 4:12-14) speak of his rebellion toward God. The arrival of the Antichrist will be to accomplish his two purposes: The first one is to oppose, or be against Christ and the second is for him to be exalted and worshiped. The Antichrist will be a singular world ruler who will be empower by Satan to has his temporary dominion during the last [3 1/2 years] of the last Daniel 70th weeks.(Dan 9:27)

Lucifer An angel of music

Those who receive the mark of the beast, will experience God's judgment, and  will not be able to change ownership. The Antichrist will be doing his work of signs and wonders to deceive the world, and he will control the system by changing laws and to force people that in order to buy, sell or hold a job to get his mark. The ID of the beast it is been recorded in (Rev 13:15-18) his mark will indicate his ownership and temporary protections for those who received. 

This is the way it is written in scripture: He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.  He causes all both small and great ,rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, (V17) and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beastor the number of his name (V18) [Here is wisdom]. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: [His number is 666].
The following judgment will happen to those who receive the mark of the beast: (Rev 14:9-11) Then a third angel follow them saying with a loud voice, "If  anyone worships [the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, (V10) "he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God,which is poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. (V11) "And the smoke of their torment ascends for ever and ever; and  they have no rest day or night, and whoever receives the mark of the beast.                                    
Ones, someone take the mark of the beast as much as they wanted to repent for salvation, it will be too late, It will be not possible to change ownership. In the same way as someone trust the Lord Christ, the believer are seal with the Holy Spirit to indicate ownership and protection. The ID of the beast will be his mark indicating his ownership and temporary protection during his short reign in the last 3 1/2 years of the last seventieth week of Daniel. In (Rev 13:14) the Greek word for 666 is (Chi Xi Stigma). It is giving the following definition [to Tizzy or Stick] a mark incised or punched [for recognition of ownership].
                                                                The Mark with the definitions of [Stick, incised, punched, and mark Stigma is very close to the definition of Charagma].

Stigma and Charagma both support the idea of a syringe inject able [micro ship like the very chip]. 'Stigma' will be  'On' the hand or forehead and not 'In' the hand or forehead. The Antichrist will demand the worship of the world. He will cause great signs and wonders in order to deceive people. (Rev 13:13-14). The time is getting closed and it is written in the bible, all of this event have been prophecy over 2,000 years ago.

Dear Friend :
The time will come that this manifestation of the Stigma the ID of the beast, it will be mandatory and official. The Mark of the beast will only offer you temporary protection, because he will only have a short reign during his manifestation, at the last 3 1/2 years of Daniel 70th weeks. If you want to receive the gift of eternal life, pray this prayer in a loud voice, with faith and confident. Dear Jesus, come into my life and be my Lord and savior for ever. Forgive me for all of my sins and cleanse me with your precious blood. Thank you for taking my place on the cross, and write my name in the book of life. In your holy name, Amen!!


The Millennium Kingdom

     The Day of the Lord will be the transition to entered to the next era. The Millennium is Christ literal earthly kingdom which will not be destroyed. The Day of the Lord begin at the opening of the seven seal. The present heavens and earth will be destroyed at the day of the Lord (2 Pet.3:10,12; Zeph 1:18,14-18; Joel 2:1-4,10-11).

   The Millennium Kingdom is the result of God's blessing to all of His children. The Lord promised to all the believers, that He will go to prepared a place [home in heaven]. The Lord Jesus Christ will return to earth to establish His Kingdom. All this passage speak of that future return: (Isai 9:6-7;Act 15:14-17;Isai 52:1-2;66:10-21;Amos 9:11-12;Mt 16:28;26:29;John18:36;2 Pet 1:11) all of this passages are speaking to His literal Kingdom (Rev 20:4-6) they are referring to the Millennium. The knew heaven and earth these text are parallel with 2 Pet 3:13; Rev 21:1 and Isai 65:17. You can also see men building and planting as you read further in Isaiah. 


  The Day of the Lord does not communicate any blessing, but destruction. If The Millennium Kingdom is place before [The Day of the Lord] beginthen Christ earthly Kingdom will be destroyed. The Lord promised to every believer the Jews remnant and the church of Christ  a home. All of these text are demonstrating the creation of a new heavens and earth and all of this passages are not contradicted to one another. Study the following passages: Isaiah 65:17; 2 Pet 3:13 and Rev 21:1. The book of Revelation as I mentioned before is not the revelation of John the scribe. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ the Lord himself, and he will fulfill His covenant with His people from the beginning until the end.

 Dear Friend: The hell is a torture place with fire created for Satan and the demons, you don't have to go to that place. If you want to receive the gift of salvation, where ever you are you can pray this prayer with a loud voice and with faith and confident. Dear Jesus, I repent for all of my sins, come into my heart, forgive me and cleanse me with your precious blood. Thank you for taking my place on the cross, be my Lord and savior for ever, and write my name in the book of life. In your holy name, Amen!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Battle of Amargedon

    The book of Revelation is not the revelation of John the scribe, But rather the revelation of Jesus Christ. The Lord Himself is the author of the book of Revelation. Many believers think that the rapture of the church will occur in different views like: Pre-Tribulation, Mid-Tribulation and Post-Tribulation.

One of the reasons why there is so many views, is because they associate "The Last Trump" spoken by the Apostle Paul from the rapture in (1 Corinthian 15:51-53; 1 Thess 4:16-17 and Mt 24:31) to be [the seven trumpets] given [to seven angels] to begin their judgment and they are not similar. There are two reasons why the trumpet are to be sound, the first is to announce wars, the second reason is to gather the people to the presence of the Lord. In ( 1 Thess 4:16-17; Mt 24:31 the sound of the trumpet are parallel with chapter 7 of the book of Reveletion) to gather people to the presence of the Lord, and we can see people standing in the Throne of God, after the sixth seal were opened. The seven seal is nothing but judgment, there is no resurrection, or rapture description.

The second reason, why there is so many views, are the association with the wrath of Satan  and the wrath of God, it is very important to be able to identify which one, is one of them. The wrath of Satan is been recorded in (Rev 12:12) and the wrath of God is been recorded in (Rev 6:16-17) is the anticipation that God's wrath is about to begin, is after the six seal are open. The third confusion are the first group of people who was slain for the word of God, and their testimony that they hold call the [Martyr] mentioned in (Rev 6:9-11) these are [Souls under the altar] this group will get their bodies at the beginning of the Millennium.The other two groups that survived until the end are in chapter 7. They are the 144,000 Jews who survived until the end, and the other group are international that no men could count, they are[ standing in the Throne of God] with bodies and praising the Lord for their salvation [deliverance]. God final judgment does not begin until after the seven seal are open. The seven trumpets and bowl are unfold to begin the judgment. The Battle of Amargedon does not begin until Chapter 19.

 Dear Friend:
The Lord Jesus is coming soon!! are you ready for the time of His appearance? if you are not, do you want to be ready?. You can pray this prayer with faith and confident in a loud voice, where ever you are. Dear Jesus, come into my heart, forgive me for all of my sins, and cleanse me with your precious blood, be my Lord and savior for ever. I thank you for taking my place on the cross, and write my name in the book of life. In your holy name I pray, Amen!!

Which Part Of The Resurrection, You Want To Be?

           Many Christians has interpreted that there is more than one resurrection, because the bible mentioned in ( Rev 20:4-5). Blessed are those who has part of the first resurrection. The bible is the word of God and there are no error in anything, a very careful observation must need to be done.

In ( Act 24:15) the Apostle Paul wrote  I have hope in God, that there would be a resurrection of the dead, both of [the just] and [the unjust]. Notice that the word resurrection is written singular not plural. Now lets go back to (Rev. 20:5-6) But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the [first resurrection]. (V6) Blessed and holy is he who has part in the [first resurrection]. Over such the [ second death] has no power, but they shall be priest of God and Christ, and shall reign with Him a [Thousand year] speaking of His future earthly kingdom.

In (V6) the first resurrection are those who are resurrected in Christ to reign with Him. The death without Christ will also experience resurrection but to eternal separation, that's the reason why is mentioned [the second death] in this text. The Apostle Paul wrote the resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous in [ Act 24:15] this text it is parallel to the resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous (Rev 20:5-6,14). The Lord has communicate blessed are those who has part of the first resurrection, speaking in the context of those who are resurrected in Christ, instead of been resurrected without Christ for eternal perdition. (V6,14).

Hell - click to view larger image
Dear Friend:
Every human being will be resurrected when Christ return. The important part of this teaching to comprehend is that one group of people will be resurrected to reign with Christ, and the other group of people will resurrected without any hope. Which part of the group you want to belong?. If you want to make this important decision for eternity, you still on time, and where ever you are you can pray this prayer with faith and confident in a loud voice to receive your eternal gift of salvation. Dear Jesus, thank you for taking my place on the cross, I repent from all of my sins, forgive me for all of my sins, cleanse me with your precious blood. Come into my heart and be my Lord and savior for ever, and write my name in the book of life. In your holy name, Amen!!

Christ Singular Second Coming

 This is the time than ever before, were false Christs, prophets, false doctrines, and wonders will arise up in order to destroy the solid foundation of Jesus Christ teaching. In this teaching I will demonstrate other words that are employed to Christ singular second coming, but before I begin the teaching, I wanted to go back to the book of Daniel (9:24) when God said to Daniel "Seventy weeks" are determine upon thy people. Seven years, of  490 years that became literal. There would be 69 sevens (483 years) from the command to [rebuild Jerusalem ] until [ the coming of the Messiah ]. Daniel (9:25) Afterwards the city of Jerusalem and the sanctuary [ Temple ] would be destroyed. Dan (9:26)

The key in this part of the prophecy to observe is the command [ rebuild the temple ] until the [ coming of the Messiah ]. Notice that in this text is talking about [ rebuild, or restoration ]. The first temple was build by king Solomon, not rebuild, or restore. The temple that Daniel is referring is [the second temple] in this part of the prophecy and [the first coming of the Messiah]. Now why it is so important to go on detail in this part of the prophecy? because this is one of the false doctrine that has been arise up in the church of Christ, were many believers has been teaching that the first seven years of Daniel the church will be rapture or caught up in the air, then Christ will return seven years later to get those left behind in the third coming. Another reason why it is so important to comprehend this true, is because there will be a false christ that will arise up to do false signs and wonders. He will declare to the world that he is the Messiah.

 God said that my people perish because of the lack of knowledge. The Lord Jesus before He was crucify, He was in Jerusalem. In (Mt 24:2) the Lord said to His disciples: "Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down. The question in this text, which city and temple Jesus prophecy the destruction? The destruction is in agreement with Daniel's prophecy. This part of the prophecy was fulfilled when the Romans destroyed the city of Jerusalem and the second temple in 70 A.D.

The other part of the prophecy of Daniel's final Seven years period ( or 70 week) is recorded in (9:27) of the book of Daniel. What are the event are involve in Daniel's final seven years? the first step is a covenant with Israel, of peace and security agreement. The second step is the great falling, or the apostacy. In the land of Israel all the preparation has been done with the furniture for the temple, and the priest has already been trained waiting for the appointed time. The church of Christ out of 6 to 7 worship songs, maybe one time the name of Jesus and the work of the cross is mentioned. The name of Jesus Christ in most churches has been excluded and less exalted. The work of the Holy Spirit has been avoided in most churches. Could that be the exact great falling away the apostle Paul wrote in (2 Tess. 2:3)? The answer is yes.

 The third step is the event of the reconstruction of the[ third temple]. The third temple is the preparation for the fourth step in the event, of the manifestation of world ruler, the son of perdition, the Anti Christ. The bible does not give us name who he is, and how he look like, but the bible teach us where and when the Anti Christ will be reveled. The world will bow down in worship, and he will perform miracles and wonders to deceive the world.
The Lord Jesus reveled to His disciples of [the abomination of the desolation] recorded in (Mt 24:15). Notice that this important event are also parallel to Daniel (9:27). The Anti Christ will show up right in the middle of the last Seven years of Daniel which equal to 31/2 years not in the first part of the 31/2 years,but on the second. He will be in [Jerusalen at the temple] causing the great tribulation, which is the persecution to the faithful remnant Jews. The fifth step it is tied together in the exact same time the Anti Christ will be reveal, and that the manifestation of the two witness in the land of Israel. They will be proclaiming the word of God, and their duration of their ministry is the exact 1,260. (Rev. 11:3)

The singular Christ second coming is very important to be comprehend, because there will be a false alarm of a coming Messiah, who will perform signs and wonders as well. The word coming is the Greek word [ Parousia ]. However there is other three words that are employed to Christ second coming, and it is very important to comprehend this true. The first word is the Greek word [ erchomai ] translated coming. The Lord Jesus said in (Mt 16:28) " Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming [ erchomai ] in His kingdom.

The second word employed is [ apokalypsis] translated coming or revelation . Its basic meaning is to disclose or bring to light. There is a disclosure bringing light of the Lord Jesus by men who were under the controlling influence of Holy Spirit. When the Apostle John wrote the rest of the end time prophecy in (Rev 1:10) he was in the [Spirit ] on the Lord's Day, not to be confuse with the day of the Lord. The apostle John was the scribe, but the author of the book of Revelation is the Lord Jesus. (Rev 1: 1). The Apostle Paul wrote in (1 Cor. 1:7) so that you come short in no gift eagerly waiting for the revelation [ apokalypsis, coming] of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The final word is [epiphaneia] is indicating a visible manifestation of a hidden deity. It could be either in person or by some great act through which his presence is reveled. The bible indicates that Christ will come with great glory and power in the old and new testament it is written. The Apostle Paul wrote in (2 Tim. 4:1) this way: I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing [ epiphaneia] and His kingdom.

These three different words that are employed in connection with Christ singular second coming, many believers has interpreted as to prove two separate comings. The Greek word echomai [coming], apokalypsis [coming or revelation], and epiphaneia [ appearing] are not describing two comings, they are words that are employed to describe different aspects of Christ singular second coming. The word Parousia [coming] used by the disciples in (Mt 24:3) is evident that they clearly understood that there is only one second coming. The Greek word Parousia is translated Para mean with, and Ousia mean being. It is an arrival of the consequent presence with.         

There is two different comings and a very careful observation must be done. The bible recorded an arrival,   or coming [Parousia] of the Antichrist, or an individual world ruler who will declare to the world that he is the Messiah. (2 Thess 2:9) he will performed miracles and signs, that even the elect will deceive if possible. He will make fire come down from heaven according to (Rev 13:13). The second arrive is recorded in (Lk 21:25-28) the stars will fall down compare to (Rev 6:12-13) the sun and the moon meaning that Jesus will not touch the earth, the scenario is prepare for the appointed time, when the cosmic disturbance hit the earth for His coming.The apostle Paul also wrote that Christ will come as thief in the night, meaning that no one will not know the exact day and hour.

A thief never tell the victim when is the time he will perform his duty to steal. Also, anyone who has been robbed knows that a thief goal is to steal as quit as possible and then disappear. That is the idea of the rapture, it is true that the word rapture has never appear in the bible, because this word come from the Latin [ raptus ] meaning " a dragging or taking away, a violent rending. The new testament was translated into the Greek language. The two Parousia  are different and one is to perform Satan works or duties, and the other one is to accomplished two purpose to rapture the church, and to judge the wicked.

Dear Friend:
The time is getting near of the coming of false Messiah, and the true Messiah. The bible has been written over 2,000 years and has been carefully preserved until this generation. If you have not decided to give your life to Jesus, what are you waiting for?. The Lord Jesus took your place on the cross, so you don't have to spend eternity separated from Him. If you want to receive the gift of eternal life, where ever you are pray this prayer in a loud voice and with faith: Dear Jesus, thank you for taking my place on the cross, forgive me for all of my sins, cleanse me with your precious blood, come into my heart and be my Lord and savior for ever, and write my name in the book of life. In your holy name, Amen!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Glorious Hope

  In the same way people in the old testament, for the first coming of the Messiah, the church of Christ should be waiting for that future Hope. The prophecy of His first coming were full filled. He came as a Lamb, and die for the sins of the world on the cross. In His second coming which is in the new testament, the church should be looking forward for that glorious hope.

This should not be a time for distress, but a time for celebration of that future hope. The Apostle Paul wrote in (Rom 5:2-5) through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance: and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope those not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

The power of rejoicing during time of trouble will be the strenght to our hope. It will help us to look forward to that future hope of His coming. The Apostle Paul wrote (Philiphian 4:4) to rejoice always in the Lord. The time of trouble will always bring an opportunity to trust the Lord. The (V2) the text demonstrate that the believer has access by faith into His grace. The time of trouble help us to persevere during our difficult time. In (V3) the text demonstrate to help the believers, to maintain our non negotiated convictions and to stand firm no matter what. The time of trouble give you a living hope, that something good will come out and that is our intervention from God.


The glorious hope always speak about the deliverance of the believer in trouble time. The more is our affliction, the greater is our deliverance. If we remember, when Israel was in Egypt, they were in slavery, mistreated, and afflicted. As soon as they cry out to God, the Lord descended to respond their prayer and to deliver them. The bible teach that our glorious hope is the Lord Jesus. That is exactly what He will do in His second coming. He will descend from heaven, and He will deliver His people.

Dear Friend:
Are you ready to see that future time? this time it will be a real done deal, when He will descend from heaven to gather his people, the only different in His second coming is that He will not touch the earth. The scenario is ready for the appointed time, as soon as He open the sixth seal, the sign will appear of His coming, when cosmic disturbance of the sun, moon, and the stars are falling from the skies, and the sun and the moon will no longer give it light. If you have not receive Christ as your personal savior, what are you waiting for? the bible teach that we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. If you want to decide to give your life to the Lord, where ever you are, you can pray this prayer with faith. Dear Jesus: I repent of all my sins, come to my life and be my Lord for ever, cleanse me with your precious blood, and write my name in the book of life. Thank you for taking my place on the cross, in your holy name, Amen!!