Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Glorious Hope

  In the same way people in the old testament, for the first coming of the Messiah, the church of Christ should be waiting for that future Hope. The prophecy of His first coming were full filled. He came as a Lamb, and die for the sins of the world on the cross. In His second coming which is in the new testament, the church should be looking forward for that glorious hope.

This should not be a time for distress, but a time for celebration of that future hope. The Apostle Paul wrote in (Rom 5:2-5) through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance: and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope those not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

The power of rejoicing during time of trouble will be the strenght to our hope. It will help us to look forward to that future hope of His coming. The Apostle Paul wrote (Philiphian 4:4) to rejoice always in the Lord. The time of trouble will always bring an opportunity to trust the Lord. The (V2) the text demonstrate that the believer has access by faith into His grace. The time of trouble help us to persevere during our difficult time. In (V3) the text demonstrate to help the believers, to maintain our non negotiated convictions and to stand firm no matter what. The time of trouble give you a living hope, that something good will come out and that is our intervention from God.


The glorious hope always speak about the deliverance of the believer in trouble time. The more is our affliction, the greater is our deliverance. If we remember, when Israel was in Egypt, they were in slavery, mistreated, and afflicted. As soon as they cry out to God, the Lord descended to respond their prayer and to deliver them. The bible teach that our glorious hope is the Lord Jesus. That is exactly what He will do in His second coming. He will descend from heaven, and He will deliver His people.

Dear Friend:
Are you ready to see that future time? this time it will be a real done deal, when He will descend from heaven to gather his people, the only different in His second coming is that He will not touch the earth. The scenario is ready for the appointed time, as soon as He open the sixth seal, the sign will appear of His coming, when cosmic disturbance of the sun, moon, and the stars are falling from the skies, and the sun and the moon will no longer give it light. If you have not receive Christ as your personal savior, what are you waiting for? the bible teach that we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. If you want to decide to give your life to the Lord, where ever you are, you can pray this prayer with faith. Dear Jesus: I repent of all my sins, come to my life and be my Lord for ever, cleanse me with your precious blood, and write my name in the book of life. Thank you for taking my place on the cross, in your holy name, Amen!!

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