Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Beginning Of Sorrow

The false hope of 'Imminent Rapture' is the believe that Christ come at any time moment,with no prophecy been fulfill. Some believe that Christ will come in the middle of the Tribulation period, others believe that Christ come at the end of the Tribulation period. Let God word be the final authority and follow this journey with the end time prophecy. The bible teach phrases as: to be alert '(Lk21:36),to see, to look at   Mk13:33,Heb10:25 to be awake, to keep awake Mt 24:42-43, 25:13, Lk 12:37,39, Rev 16:15, Rev 3: 2-3,
1Thess 5:6,10 and many other phrases that are indicating the meaning of expectancy ,nothing to do with any time moment.

By Expectant Rapture it is meant that every generation could entered the Seventieth week recorded in the book of Daniel to experience rapture. Let me show you something about the first three year and a half of the Seven year of Daniel, and lets do a very careful observation.The first last three and a half of the Final Daniel's seventieth week are called "The beginning of sorrow" or "The birth spang". The Lord's teaching recorded in the book of Mathew Chapter 24, and The Chapter 6 of the book of Revelation are parallel with the seventieth week of Daniel.  

Mt 24: 4-5
When Jesus spoke about of "Many Christ' is meant to say a singular world ruler. Is not saying many 'Christs' plural, this is a great observation of the individual world ruler call the Anti-Christ.

Rev. 6:1-2
The first seal is, 'The White Horse' and the rider. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out to conquering and to conquer.Through diplomacy and false religions. Many believers has interpreted the "The White Horse" as Jesus second coming to rapture the church. What happen to the rest of the six seals? Compare the sixth seal with Mt. 24: 24.

Mt. 24: 6-7
Jesus told his disciples, that they will hear wars and rumor of wars. Not to be troubled because the End is not yet. Another observation, why do you think Jesus said in this particular event, not to be troubled? After so many wars, they have experienced through out history. The clear part of this prophecy teaches that those  Kingdoms that will arise up against kingdom, and nations against nations is nothing but "World War 111", and this should be understood, especially when Jesus spoke to his disciples not to be trouble of hearing rumors of wars.

Rev. 6: 3-4
The second seal is, "The Fiery Red Horse" and the rider. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace for the earth,that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword.

Mt. 24: 7
Jesus provided the exact same results of wars causing famine, pestilence, and earth quakes in various places.

Rev. 6: 6
The third seal. "The Black Horse" and a rider. and I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying. " A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and do not harm the oil and the wines. Which means food supplies will be rationed.

Mt. 24: 7-8
All of this is " The Beginning of Sorrow" or "The Birth Spang".

Rev. 6: 7-8
The fourth seal is, "The Pale Horse" and the name of him who sat on it was the Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given them over a fourth of the earth to kill with his sword and hunger, with death, and by the beast of the earth.

My dear friend, the bible doesn't teach hour or date of Christ second coming, but what the bible teach is that man will know the general period of time. Many believers argue that "The Horse" mention in the book of Revelation are not meant to indicate the period of Daniel's seventieth week going parallel to the book of Mathew and the book of Revelation.  Lets do a closed observation: The First Horse and a rider a crown was given to him to 'conquer' is the key. When JESUS come to rapture the church, they will be 'No conquering' but 'gatherine' the elect to rapture the church.

Compare the bible Prophecy with the news:

The event spoken on Daniel 9:27, there is a  covenant that the world ruler will do, in the land of Israel. He will bring a 'Peace and Security' agreement. Isaiah 28:14 here is another reference with the covenant that will go parallel to Daniel seventieth week. The other observation we have to compare with the news, are "The rebuilt    of the temple". In the land of Israel priest has been train and the furniture has been ready until they can get the permission to rebuilt the temple. The third thing we have look up, is for all the nuclear weapons that has been transported to Iraq, just like Jesus said KINGDOM against KINGDOM.

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