Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Great Tribulation

The last seven year of Daniel's seventieth week are divided in three sections. Many believers are not aware with this true. "The Beginning of Sorrow" or “The Birth Spang” (Mt 24:8). “The Great Tribulation” or “Jacob's Trouble” (Mt 24:21, Jer: 30:7) and “The Day of the Lord” or "God's Wrath" (Ezek 13:4-8; Joel 1:15; 2:1-2; 10-11, 30-31; 2 Pet D3:10-12; Isa 2: 12-21; 13:6-13; 34:1-8). The Day of the Lord is the time of divine judgement upon Israel and the Gentile nations for their sin and unrepentant rebellions. These two sections of "The Great Tribulation, or Jacob's Trouble" if you prefer, and "The Day of the Lord" or "God's Wrath" are not the same, and will not be the same.

"The Great Tribulation" in (Mt 24:21) when you carefully study the text, as you can see they are not similar with the 'The Day of the Lord'. The last 3 1/2 years of Daniel seventieth week, using the Lord's teaching in Mathew 24:15-21 these text they are parallel to Daniel 9:27 making harmony with Revelation 6:9-11. The first event we need to see is, The event of "The Desolation of the Temple". The Lord could not contradicted himself, when He gave the exact reference of the prophet Daniel in ( Mt 24:15 and Dan 9:27) to his disciples. The second point is the warning to flee Jerusalem, and not to pick any clothing (Mt 24:15-20).

The Lord mentioned in (Mt 24:21) "The great tribulation" He said will be "great tribulation" such has not been, since the foundation of the world until this time. He is speaking of the exact event of  "The desolation of the temple". Here is a good question: Are this persecution spoken from the Lord himself are "God's Wrath"or "Satan Wrath" (Mt 24:15-29). How can God persecute his children during "the great tribulation"?. It is clear that this persecution is ' The Anti-Christ' toward  God's elects. The good news is that "the great tribulation" will be shortened, not the seven year of period. (Mt 24:22)

Rev. 6:9-11

When He opened the Fifth seal, I saw under 'The Altar' the souls, of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying 'How long, o Lord Holy and true, until you judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell the earth? Then a white robe was given to each of them, and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethrem, who would be killed as they were, was completed.

These Martyrs Under the Altar, are 'Martyrdom' of believing remnant [ especially among in the land of Israel] who will not worship 'The Anti-Christ'. The fifth seal and the event of the "The abomination of the Temple" is the catalyst for "The Great Tribulation"(Dan 9:27; 11:45; Mt 24:9,15-29; Rev 12:1-5,13:15-17). The First five seal it is also thought in the Scripture of the Period of the Apostasy. 

The Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Tess: 2:3-4 and these text are parallel to Dan 9:27, he mentioned two event: First "The Great Falling" equal to a total abandonment. The second event is "The man of sin, the son of perdition,  the Anti-Christ or the little horn" he has many names, it is speaking of the individual world ruler. Many believers believe that the church, will be rapture in the middle of the manifestation of "The great tribulation", which equal 3 1/2 years of Daniel seventieth week. They believe that the church will be protected by removal or by rapture if you prefer. The problem about this view is, that which of "The abomination of the desolation"  the Lord himself refer to? and who are these people who are coming out of "The great tribulation" recorded in (Rev:7:13-14).   

It is been recorded that the Jews who survived until the end it is counted with a specific number 144,000,and the mystery of the different views that the church will not go on the seventieth week of Daniel, has not been  demonstrated by those who believe different, from this demonstration. It is clear that the church was never promised to be remove from persecutions, hardships, trouble, and afflictions. But the Lord has promise to the church, the help of the Holy Spirit to overcome those situations. In the first Seven years of Daniel week, The church were present, they were persecuted, they were scatted, and other believers were killed for their faith. What make someone think, that the last Seven years of Daniel the church will be remove?.

The Last event waiting to see, beside "The great tribulation" is the arrive of  "The two witness" In the old testament there is a mentioned of one of them. (Mal 4:5-6) ' Behold I will send you Elijah, the prophet (Before) the coming of "The great terrible day" Speaking of the day of the Lord.


The Lord Jesus Christ is coming, and soon every human being will face the Lord God Almighty. If you haven't decided to ask the Lord Jesus to come to your life, and save you . What will be your response to the Lord? The bible teach that it is appointed for men to die once,but after this the judgment (Heb 9:27) Those that are not receiving Jesus Christ as their personal savior, will suffer eternal separation. There is a place call hell or 'Hades' ( Luke 16:19-31). The Lord does not want any body to go to that place. It is your decision!!, If you decided to change your mind, pray this prayer where ever you are: Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for taking my place on the cross, I am a sinner and I admit that I can not save myself. Forgive me from all of my sins, cleanse me with your precious blood come into my life for ever. Thank you for the gift of salvation and write my name in the book of life. In your holy name, Amen!!

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