Friday, August 5, 2011

Which Part Of The Resurrection, You Want To Be?

           Many Christians has interpreted that there is more than one resurrection, because the bible mentioned in ( Rev 20:4-5). Blessed are those who has part of the first resurrection. The bible is the word of God and there are no error in anything, a very careful observation must need to be done.

In ( Act 24:15) the Apostle Paul wrote  I have hope in God, that there would be a resurrection of the dead, both of [the just] and [the unjust]. Notice that the word resurrection is written singular not plural. Now lets go back to (Rev. 20:5-6) But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the [first resurrection]. (V6) Blessed and holy is he who has part in the [first resurrection]. Over such the [ second death] has no power, but they shall be priest of God and Christ, and shall reign with Him a [Thousand year] speaking of His future earthly kingdom.

In (V6) the first resurrection are those who are resurrected in Christ to reign with Him. The death without Christ will also experience resurrection but to eternal separation, that's the reason why is mentioned [the second death] in this text. The Apostle Paul wrote the resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous in [ Act 24:15] this text it is parallel to the resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous (Rev 20:5-6,14). The Lord has communicate blessed are those who has part of the first resurrection, speaking in the context of those who are resurrected in Christ, instead of been resurrected without Christ for eternal perdition. (V6,14).

Hell - click to view larger image
Dear Friend:
Every human being will be resurrected when Christ return. The important part of this teaching to comprehend is that one group of people will be resurrected to reign with Christ, and the other group of people will resurrected without any hope. Which part of the group you want to belong?. If you want to make this important decision for eternity, you still on time, and where ever you are you can pray this prayer with faith and confident in a loud voice to receive your eternal gift of salvation. Dear Jesus, thank you for taking my place on the cross, I repent from all of my sins, forgive me for all of my sins, cleanse me with your precious blood. Come into my heart and be my Lord and savior for ever, and write my name in the book of life. In your holy name, Amen!!

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