Saturday, August 6, 2011

Kept From The Hour Of Temptation

The phrase in Rev 3:10, Because you have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the earth. The Last seven years of Danie70th week has three section: The first 3 1/2 years begin with the beginning of sorrow, or the birth spang. The second 3 1/2 years which is in the middle point will begin with the great tribulation, it is also call Jacob's trouble. The last section it is call the day of the Lord, or God's wrath.

The second point is that the great tribulation spoken by the Lord himself will be[ cut short] for the sake of the elect (Mt 24:22) not the entire tribulation period. The third point is that the day of the Lord is a time of divine judgment, upon the wicked which occur at the opening of the seventh seal. The rapture of the church will occur after the sixth seal is open. The bride of Christ is not appointed to wrath, but to obtain salvation in Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:9)

The fourth point is that there is only one singular second coming of Jesus, no where in scriptures is founded the word: comings, raptures, resurrections, ends, they are written in a singular not plural. The fifth point is no where in scriptures has ever promised to the believer, to be excluded from hardships, trials,persecutions, or afflictions. With this truth in mine, you will get a clear understanding of the phrase recorded in Rev 3:10, where the part of the three section of the last Daniel 70th week, is the key to bring clarification of the text. The text appear to say that God "Will Keep" the faithful "From the hour of Testing".

There are three key phrase in this text: "Because you have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep you",[The hour of testing] Lets begin with the critical phrase [keep you from]. The verb to keep is the Greek verb [tēréō] it is used twice in this text. The primary meaning is to guard, watch over, or keep. In the new testament it is used to observe or follow. The phrase has a cause and effect relationship meaning, [Because you have observed, or followed from your part], My word of patience, I from My part, will guard or watch over you, from the hour of testing. That is how the Greek verb [tēréō] is used.

What has the church of Philadelphia kept- followed or observed, as it were- that has such value to Christ that obligates Him to give them something in return? The answer is, the word of My [Christ] perseverance. The next question should be: What instruction concerning Christs instruction, concerning patience have the faithful believer in the church of Philadelphia, have been following that delights the heart of Christ?. The answer is the faithful have observed and followed Christ instruction concerning patient. In Rev 3:8 the church of Philadelphia had kept My word and have not denied My name". As it was in the days of John instructed the church of Philadelphia, in the last days the church will be called upon to persevere, to keep the word and the testimony for the sake of Christ's name.

The evidence is in (Mt 24:9,13) "Then they will [deliver] you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations on account of My name... "But the one who [endures] to the end, he shall be saved [delivered]. The word perseverance, patience, and endurance are communicating the idea: "To overcome difficulties, to stand firm, to stand one's ground, in the midst of difficulties or danger. The church of Christ have the calling to remain faithful and truthful for the Lord Christ, during the last 70th week of Daniel. The perseverance or patience spoken in (Rev 3:10) are associated with (Rev 13:10, 14:9) during the persecution of the Antichrist.
Rapture Comparison

For someone to view the rapture before the tribulation period begin, then there will be no logic for the Lord to say [Because you have kept the word of my patience]. The next verse the Lord is telling the church of Philadelphia, [ I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown]. The next point is for those who overcomes, giving the promise of reward. If the rapture happen in the middle point, which is the second part of 3 1/2 years, then it will contradict other passage and event like the abomination of the desolation, spoken by the Lord himself giving the exact same reference of the prophet Daniel (Dan 9:27) and the great tribulation (Mt 24:21, Rev 7:14).

 The rapture view at the post, when the seventh seal open, will put the bride of Christ to experience   God's wrath. What happen to the security of the salvation of the believers?. The seventh seal indicate God's judgment, upon the wicked and the chapter 8 is all about divine judgment, no blessing are associate, and no demonstration of the rapture.The word [From] is the shortest Greek word of [ek] many has interpreted as been removed or protected from something.The preposition of [to be kept from] is the Greek word of [apó] kept from something else, [apó] is normally the preposition used.

The Greek word all together [tēréō ek ] is the translation of something that come out of it, representing something that [come out from the midst of] something else. [ tēréō ek], can only refer to guarding or protecting those who persevere while they are within the sphere of danger] , and bring them safely out of the midst of danger, and then bringing them safely out from the midst of danger]. The apostle Peter wrote in (2 Pet 2:9) the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from [ek] temptation [testing-Peirasmόs], and to keep the unrigtheous under punishment for the day of judgment. The Apostle is not saying that believers will be kept away from [apó] the hour of testing [Peirasmόs], but that the godly will be rescued out of the midst of [ek] this time of testing [ Peirasmόs]. Now back to the phrase in (Rev 3:10) [because you have kept the word of my patience, I will keep you from the hour of temptation].

The second phrase [is the hour of temptation]. The Greek word is [Peirasmόs] which mean [ a putting to the proof, or a test] the test can be good or bad. The important part to remember is that the testing that the Lord is speaking, is parallel in the context of the end time event of the last 70th week of Daniel. The hour of the tentation is a test were faithful believers will demonstrate to their love and devotion to Jesuschrist, by not bowing down to worship him. Those who does not bow down will be persecuted or killed, and believers will be seduced, hated and betrayed (Mt 24:9-10). The love of many for God will grow cold (Mt 24:12), the faith of those who did not denie Christ in the first 3 1/2 years will be rewarded. [because you have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep you from the hour of temptation].
 If the church were resurrected, caught up in the air, before the manifestation of the Antichrist, or the son of perdition, the Lord would not mention the word testing [Peirasmόs], because the testing does not come from God, but from Satan.The word of God said [James 1:13] Let no one say when he is [tempted] by God, for God cannot be [tempted] by evil, and He Himself does not tempt any one.

 . The Greek verb [peirazό], come from the same root [peira], as those the noun [Peirasmόs] translated testing. The hour of testing cannot be at the day of the Lord which is the divine of judgment upon the wicked. The only biblical logic interpretation is that the [temptation] will happen within the 70th week of Daniel. It is clear that in (Rev 7:14) [ are the ones who come out of [ek] the great tribulation].
Dear Friend:
God want his bride to remain faithful to Him no matter what. Those who trust the Lord will be kept from the hour of temptation. The Lord has a plan, and He will keep all of His promise. He said that He will never leave us and forsake us. Those who killed with a sword, will die with a sword. The Lord is a fair judge. If you are not a believer, the time of Christ second coming is at the door. If you have not asked Jesus to come in to your life and save you, the bad news is that you cannot enter to heaven, unless you asked Jesus to come be your Lord, you can do it where ever you are, in a loud voice, with faith and confident. Dear Jesus, forgive me for all of my sins, cleanse me with your precious blood, and come into my heart to be my Lord and savior for ever. Thank you for taking my place on the cross, and write my name in the book of life. In your holy name, Amen!!

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